“Women don’t get paid as much as you think they do.”

Cate Blanchett Reveals the Truth About Lord of the Rings Paychecks
Despite The Lord of the Rings trilogy’s staggering box office success, Cate Blanchett has revealed that the cast saw little of those earnings. During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live on Tuesday, Blanchett shocked host Andy Cohen by dismissing the notion that she received a hefty paycheck for her role in the iconic films.
When Cohen suggested that Lord of the Rings was likely her biggest payday, Blanchett quickly refuted the idea, exclaiming, “Are you kidding me? No, no one got paid anything to do that movie.” Her candid response highlighted the surprisingly modest compensation that the cast received despite the franchise’s monumental success.

No Backend Deals or Bonuses for the Cast
Blanchett, who portrayed the ethereal elf Galadriel in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, further clarified that the cast did not receive any additional financial benefits from the films’ success. When Cohen asked if she received “a piece of the backend” profits, Blanchett responded emphatically, “No! That was way before any of that, you know, no, nothing.”
Blanchett’s motivation for joining the cast was not financial; rather, she was drawn to the project because of her admiration for Jackson’s work. “I wanted to work with the guy who made Braindead,” she explained, referencing Jackson’s 1992 zombie film. She joked that her compensation was limited to “free sandwiches” and the prosthetic ears she wore as Galadriel, underscoring the humble nature of the production’s pay scale.
Pay Disparities and the Reality for Women in Film
Blanchett’s comments also touched on a broader issue within the entertainment industry: gender pay disparity. “Women don’t get paid as much as you think they do,” she noted, emphasizing that the financial struggles of female actors often go unnoticed.

Blanchett isn’t the only Lord of the Rings star to speak out about the modest paychecks. Orlando Bloom, who played Legolas, disclosed in a 2019 interview on The Howard Stern Show that he was paid only $175,000 for his role across the entire trilogy. Bloom echoed Blanchett’s sentiment, acknowledging the invaluable experience the films provided, even though the monetary compensation was minimal. “Greatest gift of my life they’ve given me and you’d do it again for half the money,” Bloom said.
Blanchett’s revelations serve as a reminder that even in blockbuster films, actors’ paychecks may not always reflect the success of the project. The passion for the craft and the opportunity to work with talented filmmakers like Peter Jackson often outweigh the financial rewards.